Guitarist & Bassist for the Heathen Apostles, The Cramps, Nick Curran & the Lowlifes


More Stills From The “Death’s Head” Video Shoot

More production stills have emerged from the Heathen Apostles’ Death’s Head music video shoot, this time they were shot on location by Lee Sterling. Both the Death’s Head single and video are out now on Ratchet Blade Records, you can preview and buy the single HERE, and you can watch the video HERE.

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Heathen Apostles’ “Death’s Head” Single and Video Are Live

The new Heathen Apostles Death’s Head music video is live, it was directed by the band and Lawrence Drayton, check it out and help support the band by clicking HERE to preview and buy the song on iTunes and HERE to get it on Amazon::

Editing Has Begun on Heathen Apostles’ “Death’s Head” Video

The Heathen Apostles have begun editing the music video for the upcoming Death’s Head video. Here’s a peak at the process, the single and video will be released on Friday the 13th of February on Ratchet Blade Records.

Death's Head editing

Heathen Apostles’ “Death’s Head” Video Sneak Peek

A photo has been posted on the Heathen Apostles’ Instagram page with a sneak peek of the headdress from the upcoming Death’s Head video. The band will be shooting on location with Larry Drayton (aka Raven’s Laughter) and they are shooting for a February 2015 release. You can visit the band’s Instagram page by clicking HERE.

Death's Head headdress

Heathen Apostles New Video Goes Live

The first Heathen Apostles video from the Without A Trace EP has gone live. The song is Before You Go and the video was directed by Billy Clift, who also did the promo video for the Heathen Apostles’ 2013 album Boot Hill Hymnal.

Doghouse Lords – “Cry Now” Movie Promo

The Doghouse Lords – Javier Matos (Blue Shadows), Chopper Franklin (The Cramps, Nick Curran & the Lowlifes), John Bazz (The Blasters, Marc Ford) and Bill Bateman (The Blasters, Red Devils) perform .44 Gun in the Cinetico Productions film “Cry Now” (2014), written and directed by Alberto Barboza. Visit for more info.

Final Editing On Heathen Apostles “Before You Go” Video

Billy Clift has begun final editing on the Heathen Apostles’ video for their ballad Before You Go. It will be the first video from their latest release, the Without A Trace EP. Click HERE to preview it. Here are some production shots Billy has sent over.

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Heathen Apostles Shoot New Music Video

The Heathen Apostles have wrapped Before You Go, the debut video from the Without A Trace EP. Directing the video was Billy Clift, who has previously worked with the band on a promo video for their previous release, 2013′s Boot Hill Hymnal. The video should be ready for a Summer debut, here is a band shot from the set.

Before You Go BTS

Heathen Apostles Relaunch Dark Was The Night Video

The Heathen Apostles have relaunched their video for Dark Was The Night with enhanced audio. Dark Was The Night is the second video from the Heathen Apostles debut album ‘Boot Hill Hymnal’ on Ratchet Blade Records. For more on the Heathen Apostles click HERE.

Heathen Apostles’ “Dark Was The Night” Video Debuts

Chopper’s band the Heathen Apostles have debuted their new video for Dark Was The Night. It is the second video from the Boot Hill Hymnal and was directed by Victoria and features a great cast consisting of David Backhaus, Kelly DeVoto, D.W. Frydendall, Timbo Gruse, Nickie Jean, Mike Odd, Georges-Robert, Frankie Sin and Jamie Watkins. Check it out and comment on Youtube.

Heathen Apostles “Red Brick Dust” Promo Video Debuts Tonight

The promo video for the Heathen Apostles album Boot Hill Hymnal has debuted tonight, it was directed by Billy Clift and features Mather Louth and Chopper Franklin along with the newest members of the Heathen Apostles Luis Mascaro and Stevyn Grey. To visit the Heathen Apostles website, click HERE.

“Dark Was The Night” Video in Pre-Production

The Heathen Apostles are preparing to enter pre-production for the second video from their upcoming EP (due Spring 2013 on Ratchet Blade Records). Directing the video will be Victoria Vengeance from a storyline she created.

Victoria Vengeance and husband filmmaker Gris Grimly

Victoria Vengeance and husband filmmaker Gris Grimly

Nikki Hill at Viva Las Vegas

Nikki Hill Band










Nikki Hill’s set at Viva Las Vegas with Chopper on bass was a smashing success, she received two well deserved encores and was the hit of the weekend. You can get more info on her at Here’s a fan video from the set:

“The Reckoning” Video Debuts Online

Chopper’s latest band the Heathen Apostles’ debut video ‘The Reckoning” is up and online, “The Reckoning” will be on the upcoming EP on Ratchet Blade Records, due out Spring 2013. The video was directed by the band and features legendary photographer Edward Colver as the Demonic Preacher: