Guitarist & Bassist for the Heathen Apostles, The Cramps, Nick Curran & the Lowlifes

Heathen Apostles’ Original Gothic Roots Music Video

Heathen Apostles - gothic roots music On this day in 2013 the Heathen Apostles released their original gothic roots music video “The Reckoning”. It was directed by the band, and features Edward Colver as the Demonic Preacher. The Reckoning was the first single from their first album Boot Hill Hymnal, out in 2013 on Ratchet Blade Records. 

Heathen Apostles gothic roots music

From the Heathen Apostles’ social media: We released “The Reckoning”, our first music video, on this day in 2013. We had yet to play a show (the band was just @matherlouth , Chopper and Thomas) but we wanted to come out swinging so we went ahead and directed it ourselves. Our good friend @edwardcolver played the Demon Preacher, thanks to all involved in the filming and to Mike Livingston for playing on the song.

From the Boot Hill Hymnal 1 sheet:
“No one sings as purely as those who are in the deepest hell. Theirs is the
song which is confused with that of the angels.” Franz Kafka
Born of the voices of past lives and baptized in the dust bowl dirt, the
dark roots music of the HEATHEN APOSTLES harkens back to a
bygone chapter of American history while firmly keeping one foot
planted in the present-day city of Los Angeles.
One Indian summer evening, femme fatale bellower Mather Louth
(Radio Noir) and punk rock veteran Chopper Franklin (The Cramps,
Charley Horse), quickly uncovered a mutual appreciation for murder
balladry, gothic roots music, and memento mori. Soon, the HEATHEN
APOSTLES surfaced. The landscape was further tilled with the
addition of Thomas Lorioux (The Kings of Nuthin’) on the upright bass.
The Heathen’s debut release, Boot Hill Hymnal, seeks to answer a
question posed long ago by Blind Willie Johnson- just what is the soul of
a man? (…Or, as the case may be here, a woman with a thousand-yard
stare.) The resulting collection of songs is complex, catchy, and wholly
cohesive to the Apostles’ ghost town.